My second video had successfully created today. Quite challenging. The higher quality of video or movie we want to make, the higher the tribulation and sacrifice we have to face. Serious.
The same goes to our journey in life. The more we want to strive for something, the more we need to sacrifice. Otherwise, we can't understand the real meaning of life.
Of course, we still confuse and didn't realize about our main goal and our strive for a long time we were given chance from Allah to live. Actually, we must know that "AlIslam yu'la wa la yu'la 'alaih".
Our great prophet said that Islam is the highest matter in the world and nothing that's higher than Islam.
So, here's a video clip about my long experience in life which I compile it into an anecdote. Comments and viewpoints are honourably allowed for a better improvement.
Enjoy it!