27 Ramadhan 1432H.
Of course most civilians in Malaysia are very busy with the preparation for Eid. Fine. I have underwent the same thing in my past. Maybe, this is the time to change.
When we have understand and know something new, we must practice it, right?
Strange. Many people are enthusiastic with the Eid even their understanding and appreciating to Ramadan is very very grim and groomy. Hurm, maybe we forgot about Islamic history. Maybe we didn't ever heard about how sahabah celebrate the Ramadan's 'megasale' and how sad them when Ramadan is getting finish.
So, let's use this very precious remnants of Ramadan with tahajjud, tadarus, tarawih and other specific ritual for Ramadan nicely.
Maybe this is our last Ramadhan. Who knows?
So, reduce the over-preparation (my own dictionary) for Eid but raise and push our effort to infinity for this Ramadan. Till then, waLlahu a'lam.