Argh, the media keep continuing to serve Malaysians with the disgusting, foul and revolting stories. This cancerous TV especially becoming braver to damage and destroy the muslims' heart.
Urgh, how can they (the actor, panel or anybody) in TV celebrate the Eid Mubarak but at the same time, they keep making the sin? How can they obey Allah's commandments (apologizing and visiting) and they betray them coincidentally (showing aurah and entertain extremely).
How can they mix good thing and bad thing together? Fuh... very sad.
Allah just said, don't mix the al-Haq with al-Batil, but they didn't ever care about it.
Now, at this moment, we can see with our own eyes that our country is being attacked by a very serious and dangerous decadance of morality. Let's look at the TV. A bundle of 'profaned' show are more been published compare to the sacred show even during Hari Raya.
Miscellaneous movie and drama now are portraying that they are very lack and dry of the Islamic education or in the other word, tarbiah Islamiah. Aurah are exposed in almost every second in each TV. We can also see, how children are being taught by hedonism, dancing, singing and other worldly education through Bintang Kecil as example.
Akademi Fantasia. Malaysian Idol. Sehati Berdansa. Muzik-muzik. (I don't know more about that as recently I didn't care about that at the first place).
What the hack?!
Are these the education that are being taught to produce 'modal insan'?
The question is what is our leader and the other high rank minister are doing? Are they also join in demolishing their faith?
Where is the filtration of mass media? Why the censored and dangerous oversea's movie are still being imported to this 'Islamic country'? Hey, please. The children are learning and following what the TV publish.
Oh no! Look like they're not alert and take note about this chronic disease.
Aren't they know that the broken in media will lead to a bad culture of hating book and circle of knowledge? Consequently, social problems which they want to overcome, will keep increasing gradually. It is not strange for us to know and accept that Malaysia sat on the rank 10 for 'the most civilian who love to entertain award' according to the Nelson's 2010 research.
Really sad.